In One Night Ultimate Alien, strange, extraterrestrial beings have infiltrated your small village, bringing fearsome technology and an insatiable appetite for both Villagers and Cows. Fortunately, the village has many powerful inhabitants whose goal is to save it from the alien invaders. Compatible with the original One Night Werewolf, One Night Ultimate Daybreak, and One Night Ultimate Vampire games, One Night Ultimate Alien is a fast-paced, far-out game of social deduction where everyone gets a role - the scary, technologically-advanced Aliens, the all-knowing Leader, the tippable Cow, and others.
Each player gets a unique role all with special abilities.
After a secret night phase that includes changing roles, players have just 5 minutes to find a Werewolf.
Includes a free iOS/Android app that makes playing incredibly engaging and addictive.
May be combined with other One Night Ultimate games for epic battles.
Easy Care
Stands up to play time, craft
hour, and “Mom, I want to help”.
4-Way Stretch
Send them to recess
without worry.
1,000+ 5 Star Reviews
Trusted by parents all
over the country.
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Size chart
Size |
Bust XS |
Waist XS |
Size | XS | S | M | L | XL | 1X |
Bust | 32 | 34 | 36 | 40 | 43 | 45 |
Waist | 24 | 26 | 28 | 32 | 35 | 37 |
* Sizes are American and expressed in inches.